Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Grab FREE McDonald’s from Recyclebank!

by Christie Bisbee on July 5, 2011

Great news! Recyclebank has added  couple of new McDonald’s coupons!

You can grab a FREE Ice cream cone, a FREE Small McCafe Smoothie or a FREE Fruit and Maple Oatmeal for just 100 points! And you can still print a coupon for a FREE Premium salad with the purchase of a happy meal for 100 points too.

I have requested many McDonald’s coupons from Recyclebank in the past and they really ship fast!  If you don’t have 100 points in your account, it’s really easy to get them!

Follow These Steps to Earn your Points

-Sign up or log into your Recyclebank account HERE
-Go to “Earn Points” & Easily earn 25 points from Kashi, 50 from Aveeno & More
-Then enter the Recycle Green Your Vacation HERE once you are logged in
-You should easily have 200 points and enough for 2 FREE Ice Cream Cones or Smoothies!

Not Using Recyclebank?

I LOVE Recyclebank! It’s a GREAT way to grab high value and free product coupons! You earn rewards in many different ways, such as answering quick questions, playing games, or purchasing specially marked products and then inputting the code of the product onto the Recyclebank website. Once you accumulate enough points, you can choose your coupons. Just go HERE to check it out!

(Thanks I Heart Publix!)


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