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Last Minute Flower Deals For Mother’s Day!

by Christie Bisbee on May 4, 2011

If you are still deciding on Mother’s Day Flowers, I have a couple more last minute Mother’s Day Flower deals for you!

FTD Flowers has reduced it’s prices on many Mother’s Day products by 25% or more HERE. They now have gifts starting at just $19.99.

If your mom likes gardening you might also consider getting a flowering plant instead of flowers, like the beautiful Calla Lilly priced at just $19.99. They are a great value and Mom will still be enjoying it next mother’s day. You can check it out at HERE.

Mamapedia is offering a $30 worth of Flowers for $15 from ProFlowers HERE. You can use one promotional code per order and it is not valid for same day delivery. If you are NEW to Mamapedia, go HERE because the first 1000 NEW buyers to Mamapedia can use the code MOMFLOWERS” to get 10% off making it just $13.50 for a $30 voucher. Plus if your ProFlowers order is $19.99 or more after the promo code before shipping, you’ll qualify to a FREE Subscription to Women’s Day!

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