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Amazon Baby Registry Welcome Box is Back

by Christie Bisbee on July 30, 2017

Free Amazon Baby Registry Baby BoxAmazon, is again offering that fabulous FREE Welcome Baby Box (valued at $35) for Amazon Prime members. Qualifying is easy, simply create an Amazon Baby Registry and once you (or someone else) purchases $10 off your registry you will see a “Claim Now” button on the left side of your baby registry. Click that button to claim your free box! The picture above is the box I received when I was pregnant.

The contents of the box will vary, but mine had full size package of wipes, a pacifier, bottle, infant formula samples, diaper cream and more. Plus there are so many different items available on the Amazon baby registry you are bound to find everything you can possibly need for baby! So if you are expecting or have a friend who is, be sure to go HERE to check it out.

If you aren’t an Amazon Prime member, no worries just go HERE and sign up for a FREE 30 day trial! Then go create your registry. Not only will you be able to grab this HOT deal, you’ll enjoy all the benefits of prime – like FREE 2 day shipping and thousands of free streaming TV shows and movies for a month. Enjoy.

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