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FREE Labello Lip Butter

by Christie Bisbee on October 24, 2016

Lip ButterRight now you can apply to get a FREE Labello Lip Butter! If selected you’ll get the Lip Butter for free AND you’ll get paid to try it. You’ll also be entered to win up to $4,500 in their sweepstakes. Just head on over HERE to see if you qualify for this product. There are limited slots available, so don’t wait if you are interested.

If you are new to Toluna, you’ll need to verify your e-mail address before you can start testing any products. Once you’ve confirmed your e-mail, log in and look for the “Explore” tab. Then look for “Test Products” in the drop down box to apply to test.

If you don’t get selected for the free Lip Butter, you’ll have many more chances to participate. There is always something new to try at Toluna. Recently they’ve had products from L’Oreal, Maybelline, Rimmel, Glade, Nivea, Dove, Huggies and more. Just go HERE to check it out.

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