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NEW 30 Points in Pampers Gifts To Grow Codes!

by Christie Bisbee on March 24, 2016

We have a few NEW ways to earn a total of 30 free Pampers Gifts to Grow points today. First off, enter the Pampers Gifts to Grow code FBX93KE3J2A6E16 for a total of 10 points.

Next, go to the search bar and look for “Travel During Pregnancy”. An article should pop up. Scroll to the bottom of the article and check off “I’ve read it” for an instant 10 points. Then search for “Literacy Tips for Babies” and do the same. Read both articles for a total of 20 points. 🙂

NEW members to Pampers Gifts to Grow can get 100 points just for signing up. This program is totally free and you’ll earn points when you purchase Pampers products. You can trade in your points for photo prints, coupons, magazines, kids toys and other fun goodies.

In addition you’ll be able to grab a ton of FREE points (no purchase needed) that you can turn into free stuff. Even if you never bought a single Pampers product you’d still be able to grab freebies like P&G coupon books, magazines and more. Just go HERE to sign up.

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