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Up to $250 in Free Gifts for You & Baby!

by Christie Bisbee on August 2, 2014

Are you Expecting, a new mom or Planning to Have a Baby? Or maybe you have a friend or family member who is pregnant or just had a little one. If you do here’s an awesome offer for you! Get up to $250 in Free Gifts from Enfamil® when you sign up for Enfamil Family Beginnings!

You are eligible to join even if you don’t plan to use formula. You can still get a designer diaper bag and a matching bottle bag, that you can use for baby food jars. And you can always donate the full sized samples.

Just go HERE to sign up to get Up to $250 in Free Gifts from Enfamil®. You’ll just need to fill out a quick form to get started. If you signed up before you can call 1-800-BABY-123 to get the bag if you didn’t receive one when you signed up in the past. It’s an awesome way to get free gifts for new moms! 🙂

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