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FREE ABCmouse.com 30-Day Trial!

by Christie- on September 13, 2013

ABCmouse.com Trial

If you like to explore new learning tools for your kids then you’ll want to check this out. ABCmouse.com is offering a FREE 30-Day Trial for Kids! If you’ve been thinking about this program for a while, now’s your chance to give it a try.

ABCmouse.com is an online teaching tool that offers a Step-by-Step Learning Path with 6 Academic Levels, over 450 Lessons and more than 3,000 Individual Learning Activities.

The Step-by-Step Learning Path presents the full ABCmouse.com curriculum in a carefully designed program of more than 450 lessons in six levels. As your child completes each lesson, he or she is guided to the next one and is motivated to continue learning by ABCmouse.com’s Tickets and Rewards System.

The lessons of the Step-by-Step Learning Path consist of books, puzzles, games, songs, art activities, and/or printables that relate to a specific topic. Each lesson offers children several different ways to learn, in accordance with the recommendations of early childhood experts.

This program sounds and looks like a lot of fun for you and your kid(s) and since you can try it out for FREE, now sounds like the perfect time to start. After your trial period ends, if you love the program then you’ll just have to pay $7.95 per month or $79 per year. You can also choose to cancel it at any time with no further obligation.

Have fun and after you’ve given it a try, come back and let us know what you think. Enjoy!

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