Here are some freebies for you and your pet to enjoy!
BEGGIN STRIPS NOSECAM APP: Do you think your doggie should be a star? If you do, here’s a cute freebie for you to enjoy!
You can click on HERE to watch a Doggie Nosecam Beggin Strips video, then download the app to create one of your own! Just watch the Purina Nosecam Video first to see how it’s done. Super cute!
RISE & SHINE CAT FOOD: Head on over to the Friskies Facebook Page to get a coupon for a Friskies Rise & Shine Cat Food!
Just head on over HERE to enter the Rise & Shine Breakfast for a Year* Sweepstakes! Enter and you’ll receive coupons for FREE Friskies® Rise & Shine Cat Food and have a chance to win breakfast for a year* for your cat!
There’s no purchase necessary so, go enter the sweepstakes and get your cat food coupon.
YOU PET: You can also enter to win a $100 Petco card when you join You Pet. It’s free to join and it’s basically a Social Network For Pets, why should the people have all the fun.
Meet other pet lovers, watch videos and get useful information in the forums. You get a new chance to enter the $100 gift card every week. Plus you can give your pet their own Web Page! Just go HERE to check it out.

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