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Fun Pet Freebies for You & Your Pet!

by Christie Bisbee on April 16, 2013

Here are some freebies for you and your pet to enjoy! 🙂

BEGGIN STRIPS NOSECAM APP: Do you think your doggie should be a star? If you do, here’s a cute freebie for you to enjoy!

You can click on HERE to watch a Doggie Nosecam Beggin Strips video, then download the app to create one of your own! Just watch the Purina Nosecam Video first to see how it’s done. Super cute!

Friskies Rise & Shine Cat Food

RISE & SHINE CAT FOOD: Head on over to the Friskies Facebook Page to get a coupon for a Friskies Rise & Shine Cat Food!

Just head on over HERE to enter the Rise & Shine Breakfast for a Year* Sweepstakes! Enter and you’ll receive coupons for FREE Friskies® Rise & Shine Cat Food and have a chance to win breakfast for a year* for your cat!

There’s no purchase necessary so, go enter the sweepstakes and get your cat food coupon.

YouPet.comYOU PET: You can also enter to win a $100 Petco card when you join You Pet. It’s free to join and it’s basically a Social Network For Pets, why should the people have all the fun.

Meet other pet lovers, watch videos and get useful information in the forums. You get a new chance to enter the $100 gift card every week. Plus you can give your pet their own Web Page! Just go HERE to check it out.

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