That awesome FREE custom tote bag deal is available again! They have many designs to choose from including designs that are perfect for Weddings, Baby Showers, Birthdays & more.
Once you design your tote HERE you can skip all other offers (unless you see something you want) and you’ll just the cost of shipping. Be sure to select the least expensive shipping. I have placed many orders with Vistaprint and the items usually ship must faster than quoted. The shipping for the tote came out to be only $4.84 for me.
Or use these in place of an Easter Basket and fill it with goodies for a friend or family member! How fun is that?! It adds a personal touch and the reusable tote becomes another gift.
Another idea I love is to use these for baby showers, just fill it with pampers and wipes and other necessities for a new mom! If you come up with other ideas for how to use these let us know. 🙂

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