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FREE Credit Score – No Credit Card Needed!

by Christie Bisbee on February 5, 2013

Looking for your free credit score? If you haven’t checked your credit score with Credit Sesame, you can do it totally free.  Credit Sesame is REALLY FREE, there is NO credit card required! I personally use it every month. It’s fabulous!

It’s super easy,  just enter your basic information at Credit Sesame HERE. In about 2 minutes you’ll have your free Credit Score. You’ll actually be able to track your credit score for free every month for free. I find it really handy and a nice way to see if there are any changes month to month. If you have already signed up be sure to log-in and see what your current score is.

Remember, your credit score is used by potential employers, landlords, insurance companies, banks, mortgage companies and many others to make decisions about you, so it’s important to know your score! The average score is about 678. You can see what your score is HERE.

If you have any questions after getting your score, just leave it in the comments. I’ll be happy to answer them! Good Luck! 🙂

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