I spotted these boxes of Jell-O priced at only $0.14 each so if you find this same deal at your store as well then you can grab them for FREE after using the SmartSource coupon below.
Walgreens Deal
Buy (2) Jell-O Gelatin Dessert Mix 3oz $0.14
(1) $0.50/2 Jell-O Gelatin or Pudding, exp. 1/9/13 (SS 12/09/12 R)

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i’d pick up four jello packs at .14 because then the whole coupon will apply and you pay .08 for four and maximize.
And you won’t have to deal with snotty cashiers who think they know more than professional couponers
Is that possible, You can actually do that?
I always thought they had to adjust the coupon since it’s on two.
(I’m 17 and Still learning some of the couponing world – Sorry)
Yes they are supposed to adjust the coupon down to the price of the item according to their policy
I purchased 3, which came to .51 and it took off .50- paying just .01 for 3!
They were .17 at my store btw
2nd store they were .14, so bought 8, which came to 1.12, used (2) 50/2, oop was .12 or a penny and half each
policy DOES indicate that… however you will find as long as the coupon itself scans the first time, that the cashier won’t go into hysterics… also walgreens will be refunded the full amount as you purchased the dollar amount indicated so they won’t be losing out.
Were these in there normal place or somewhere else?