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Amazon Insant Video: FREE $2 Voucher!!

by Christie- on October 15, 2012

For a limited time only, you can go here to grab a FREE $2 voucher to Amazon Instant Video good towards your next video rental. So, whether you love action movies or a timeless classic you’ll have no problem putting this voucher to use. 😀

Not sure what you’d like to rent?  Don’t worry! You’ll have the opportunity to choose from over 120,000 movies and TV shows including the following popular titles: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, 21 Jump Street, and more. So what are you waiting for? Go HERE to grab your FREE $2 voucher now!

The Fine Print: Available to U.S. customers. Limit 1 voucher per customer; limited quantities available. Voucher is not redeemable for any other types of merchandise sold at Amazon.com

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