Right now you can enter to win $250 when you check your credit score from Credit Sesame – no credit card required! I personally use it every month.
It’s easy, just enter your basic information at Credit Sesame. In about 3 minutes you’ll have your free Credit Score. You’ll actually be able to track your credit score for free every month. You see how you are progressing and it will help you catch any mistakes or errors.
Remember, your credit score is used by potential employers, insurance companies, banks, mortgage companies and many others to make decisions about you, so it’s important to know where you stand! The average score is about 678. You can see what your score is HERE.
So, sign up today get your credit score AND have a chance at winning $250! Let us know how you did and if you have any questions after getting your score, just leave it in the comments. I’ll be happy to answer them! Good Luck!

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }
My credit score says N/A. I looked in the FAQs and it says that N/A means there’s not enough info to generate a credit score. This is definitely not true for me! Anyone else have this issue?
I haven’t heard that happening to anyone yet. I would see if there was a number to call or e-mail to follow up.
Wow this is great! Thanks for the info. I just signed up and its so easy to start tracking your success.
I also have N/A. Though for me it is probably true. It says that a N/A can also happen if you have not used credit, or had it reported, in the last 6 months.