As many of you know, I am a certified financial educator and I teach classes on a variety of different financial topics. One of the classes I teach most frequently is about credit and how to improve your credit score. My favorite tool to get your credit score 100% for free (no credit card required) is Credit Sesame! I personally use it every month.
It’s really easy to use. Just enter your basic information at Credit Sesame. In about 3 minutes you’ll have your free Credit Score. You’ll actually be able to track your credit score for free every month. Not only can you see how you are progressing, it will help you catch any mistakes or errors. Plus monitoring your score helps you feel confident that your identity is safe.
Credit Sesame will also show you a picture of your debt and show you ways to improve your finances. For example, it showed me some options for refinancing my home. Although it’s not something I’m looking to do right now, it’s interesting to see what’s available to me.
Remember, your credit score is used by potential employers, insurance companies, banks and many others to make decisions about you, so it’s important to know where you stand! The average score is about 678. You can see what your score is HERE. Let us know how you did. Good Luck!

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