Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Coupon for Trial Pair of Contacts & More!

by Christie Bisbee on July 12, 2011


You can print a coupon for a trial pair of contact lenses! You can grab a trial from Bausch + Lomb for their SofLens daily disposables. Just click on “Get A FREE Trial” to check it out.

You’ll have to fill out a quick form to get your coupon which you can bring with you to the eye doctor or eye care professional.

Plus if you checkout the Bausch+Lomb coupon, you can enter their “The Daily Score” sweepstakes. SofLens daily disposables is giving away over 100 Sport Tote Daily Prizes per week and a $5,000 Scholarship Grand Prize! So who knows, you might end up with a lot more than just a trial of contacts. 🙂

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