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FREE Chips & Queso From Chili’s!

by Christie Bisbee on July 5, 2011

You can get FREE Chips & Queso from Chili’s! This one went fast last time the offered it so grab it while you can.

Just go HERE and fill out the quick form to join Chili’s e-mail club. You should get your coupon for FREE Chips & Queso with the purchase of any entree in your in-box when you sign up. I love their chips and with the queso they are even better!

As someone who has been a member of the Chili’s e-mail club for quite a while, I can tell you, you’ll also get all kinds of other offers and coupons!

You all know how much I LOVE my Chili’s (yep that’s me chowing down on some chips) so I love it every time this one comes around!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Some Guy July 9, 2011 at 4:40 pm

Wow! Who know you were so hot Christie!!!


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