Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Better Than FREE Reach Starting 1/9!!!

by Christie Bisbee on January 7, 2011

We  have better than FREE toothbrushes next week with this NEW coupon for Reach! Remember, this deal won’t start until 1/9 but print your Reach coupons NOW before they are all gone!

4 – Reach Total Care Toothbrushes $3.99 each (price @ my store)
Total = $15.96
2 – B1G1 Reach Total Care + Whitening Toothbrush – 10-10-10 RP – to $4.99 x4/30
1 – $2/2 Reach Toothbrushes PRINT

1 – In ad Q for Reach (Takes off $2 each or $8 Total)
= FREE!!! (Plus $2.02 Overage if your store allows)

If your store has them priced at $4.49

4 – Reach Total Care Toothbrushes $4.49 each
Total = $17.96
2 – B1G1 Reach Total Care + Whitening Toothbrush – 10-10-10 RP – to $4.99 x4/30
1 – $2/2 Reach Toothbrushes PRINT
1 – In ad Q for Reach (Takes off $2 each or $8 Total)
= FREE!!! (Plus $1.02 Overage if your store allows)

Can you believe that some people actually pay $17.96 for (4) toothbrushes! CRAZY!

{ 15 comments… read them below or add one }

Cindy January 7, 2011 at 1:03 pm

The ad states a limit of 3. I guess every Walgreen’s is different. I have a hard time with coupons at most Walgreen’s.


Jermaine January 7, 2011 at 1:32 pm

Cindy if you get more than 3 it will still ring up. The limits are mostly on those so we wont get customers buying out the whole store clearing the shelves. But each store does have the right to limit items.


caryn January 7, 2011 at 2:08 pm

The online price for the Reach Total Care Plus Whitening is $4.49 so it won’t be a as large a money maker.


Christie January 7, 2011 at 2:24 pm

Caryn – If your store has them priced at $4.49 then it will still be FREE and a $1.02 money maker if your store allows. So still better than FREE. 🙂 I am happy with just free toothbrushes since I gave most of my stash away at the end of last year!

Cindy – Like Jermaine said, it will still work with (4), the register will allow it. Yes, the store can limit you but I’ve never been limited. Granted, I would never go in and try to buy like 20 toothbrushes or something. But you should be fine with (4).


Jennifer January 7, 2011 at 2:56 pm

My store(s) have become real sticklers when it comes to scanning the Wags coupon first. If I hand them in a stack at the bottom after my MQs they still go through them one by one before scanning and scan the Wags one first. If I hand over only MQs, then after scanning I point out the one in the ad and tear it out for them, then they say you should have given this to me first (The last time I did this, it was for the free Puffs and so I didn’t get the overage I was hoping for). So, I probably won’t do this deal unless the MQs won’t beep at the register if they are scanned last. I believe last time I bought floss for .99 after wags q and had $1 off coupons it didn’t beep which I found surprising. Any idea what will happen here?


Christie January 7, 2011 at 3:25 pm

Jennifer – It’ll depend on the price at your store, with the higher price… really it would be…

4x $4.49 = $17.96
-$8 (wags Q)
-$4.98 (2 free – price after wags Q)
= $2.98 or $.75 each

However, do you think your cashier is actually going to figure out the price of each toothbrush after the Wags Q and then use that as the “free” price? With a line of people building up behind me I don’t think it would ever happen where I am. Since I always give my Wags Qs last I never have to deal with that. How do they handle it at your store? If they just enter $4.49 for each of the 2 toothbrushes that would bring your total to $.98 and you couldn’t use the $2/2 since it would beep.


Jennifer January 7, 2011 at 4:25 pm

Christie –
The one thing I will say about my Wags is they are NOT consistent. I never know going in there which cashier I will get, and therefore never know how they will handle my coupons as each one is different. There is one teenage cashier who enters in the coupons how I ask her too, so I will go in Sunday hoping she is there. If she is there, I will try it, if not, I can live without some free toothbrushes 🙂

Incidentally, I wonder if it wouldn’t be a problem if I gave the $2/2 fist, then the B1G1 ones which I know will beep asking her to enter the price. I wonder if she manually puts in the 3.99/4.49 if it will then beep *overage* lol.


Dara January 7, 2011 at 5:06 pm

I’m still new at this. Can someone please explain to me the “overage” thing? I thought when there’s an overage at Wags, I had to buy a filler to cover it.

Also at my Wags, the cashier always scan the wags coupon first, regardless of what order I give it to them. When a coupon beeps, they refuse to enter it manually.


Sarah N January 7, 2011 at 7:01 pm

I have Internet Exporer and nothing comes up when I try to get to the smart sourse printable coupons. Is this why I can’t get the page to come up?


Lunise January 7, 2011 at 7:22 pm

Sarah N- the q is also on coupons.com. Just printed twice. Good luck!


Kelley January 8, 2011 at 4:42 pm

Dara–the overage here will need to be absorbed by other items you purchase ( you could consider it a filler). Last week on the Acai deal I had 3.00 overage so I bought toilet paper. Use the store’s free money to buy something else or the qs will beep if your totals less than 0.

I alway pretend to look for the store q or tear it out slowly so they scan my other qs first.


Gina January 9, 2011 at 3:07 am

found toothbrushes clearanced at 2.99 on Sat. going back tomorrow for a $4MM!!!!!!! 😀


Jess January 9, 2011 at 9:13 am

Jennifer, I sadly have the same problem, I try to give my coupons in a certain order and they read each one and put them in “their” order. I have several Walgreens around me and each on has it’s challenges. It gets frusterating.


Rosy January 9, 2011 at 10:01 am

This soooo did not work this morning. The toothbrushes on that could scan were the 4.79. Then they would not apply the 2/2 because they said that was cheating the system 🙁


Meghan January 9, 2011 at 4:32 pm

Ugh! Mine turned out all funky. I’m still trying to figure out what went wrong. I ended up paying $2.97 oop for 4 toothbrushes and 1 pkg of floss. I’m trying to just be grateful that I got each one for .59 cents, but I’m mad at myself because I know I could have done better!


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