Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Blinkie Vivarin Coupon Alert: Pick Up Caffeine Gum Pack for 98¢ (Reg. $2.99)

by Christie- on December 22, 2018

vivarin gum deals

Vivarin Gum 8 count packs are on sale this month for $1.99. Plus, I also spotted a $1 Vivarin blinkie coupon! I found the gum in the pain aisle on the bottom shelf. The blinkie, however was in the same asile on the same side but high above around the Tylenol and Advil PM. If you find the coupon, you’ll pick it up for just 98¢.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 12/29)
Buy (1) Vivarin Caffeine Gum 8ct, $1.99 Sale Price
$1/1 Vivarin Caffeine Gum Pack, exp. 1/30/19 Blinkie
Total = 99¢, Get back 10 Everyday Points
= 98¢

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