Walgreens Coupons & Deals

What the Heck Happened to My RedPlum?

by Christie Bisbee on March 24, 2018

sunday coupon insertsSo this weekend when you go to look at your inserts, you might notice that there’s been a change. RedPlum, has been purchased by a different company and is now being called “Retail Me Not Everyday”. Well, that’s a mouthful. I’ll continue to call it RedPlum or RP for now, until I get used to idea. 😉 Not sure yet what the short version of this will be for the coupon database, RMNE seems kinda lengthy. But I’ll let you know!

In the meantime, we’ll have (2) inserts in our paper. We’ll have a RedPlum/Retail Me Not Everyday and a SmartSource. We’ll see coupons for Degree, Colgate, Softsoap, Nabisco and more. If you need to order past coupon inserts, I personally use Sunday Coupon Inserts. They have various insert options to choose from, so you can find the one that best meets your needs. If you are looking for individual coupons checkout CouponCarryOut HERE and eBay HERE for a good selection and deals.

NEWSPAPER DEALS – Looking to save on your newspaper subscription? Check out Discounted Papers HERE. Just use your zip code to see if there are any special offers on papers in your area. I found this to be a cheaper than buying directly from my paper.

Check them periodically to see what Newspaper deals are available. This is also a great way to save on multiple subscriptions. 🙂

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