This weekend, you should be getting a total of (3) inserts in your paper. One SmartSource, one RedPlum and one P&G. If you’d like to see the full Sunday Coupon preview go HERE, compliments of Sunday Coupon Inserts. You should see coupons for Clorox, Advil, Rimmel, Head & Shoulders, Tide and more.
If you are looking for a way to get multiple inserts quickly and for a good price, be sure to check out Sunday Coupon Inserts. They provide uncut inserts mailed to your door. I usually get my inserts super fast, often as early as Monday – which is a major plus! I always like to check the coupon preview on Saturdays so I know exactly what I will be getting. If you are looking for individual coupons checkout MyCouponHunter and eBay HERE.
NEWSPAPER DEALS – If you are looking for a way to get affordable newspaper subscriptions, be sure to take a look at Discounted Papers HERE. Just use your zip code to see if there are any special offers on the newspapers in your area. I found this to be a cheaper alternative than going directly to my newspaper.
It’s a good idea to check that site periodically to see what Newspaper deals are available. This is also a great way to save on multiple subscriptions.

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