Here’s your Sunday Coupon Preview and Sneak Peek! You’ll have up to four inserts in your paper this weekend – P&G, SmartSource, RedPlum and Pepsi-co. You can see some of the upcoming coupons HERE. We have great coupons for Pepsi Next, Nestle products, Purina, L’Oreal, Febreze and more.
This is a great weekend for inserts so I would suggest that you purchase (4) papers if you normally purchase only one or two. I always get a minimum of two but will get more on weekends like these. 😉 If you see some individual coupons you’d like clipped, one of my favorite sites is MyCouponHunter.
Many of us will see an awesome coupon for FREE Starbucks Refreshers in our Pepsico insert this week! I’m really looking forward to trying these.
You can use your coupon this week when they’ll be $1.49 each. If you printed the $1/1 coupon (no longer available) save that for 5/13 when they’ll be .99 each! If you are looking for more of these coupons or more $1/1 coupons I already see them for sale on ebay HERE.

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