Parade Magazine had some great coupons inside today for P&G products! The Febreze, Swiffer and Cascade coupons will come in handy with the P&G Register Reward Deal we have going on this week! Here’s what was inside…
-$.50/1 Swiffer Product
-$.50/1 Mr. Clean with Gain Scent
-$1/1 Febreze Product
-$.50/1 Cascade ActionPacs Product
-$.25/ Dawn Power Clean Product

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Today I was going through all my coupons and found a great deal!!!!
Target is running a sale Febreeze air effects and the set and refresh are 2.50, the candles are 5. If you buy any combination of 5 you get a $5 dollar back gift card!
So using the wonderful coupons in P&G (2 on air effects, 2 on set and refresh, and one candle) I spent 8.99 OOP (Live in NH so no tax) and got $5 to spend another time!!