There’s a register reward deal on All Detergents this week, but you’ll want to wait for next week’s sale instead! Starting Sunday All or Snuggle Laundry Care will be $2.99. The Powercore and Snuggle liquid are pictured, but there will likely be more inclusions. You’ll pay as little as $1.97 per bottle
Walgreens Deals (Starting 3/19)
Buy (2) All Powercore or Snuggle Liquid, $2.99 Sale Price
(1) $2/2 All/Snuggle product ets, exp. 4/22/17 (RP 3/5/17 #1)
OR (2) 50¢/1 all product
OR (2) 50¢/1 Snuggle Product
Total = As low as $3.98, Get back 50 Everyday Points
= As low as $1.97 each

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