Great news on the 5x points offer in the Walgreens ad this week! This week long offer is not the same offer as the 5x points Clip2Card Offer. So if you added the 5x points when I posted about it last week HERE, you’ll still want to scan the 5x offer in the ad, anytime your transaction will be $10+.
So let’s say you purchase exactly $10 worth. You’ll end up getting 100 EveryDay Points (like you normally would). Then you’ll receive an additional 400 points from the 5x Points offer in the ad, and an additional 400 points from the Clip2Card Offer. For a total of 900 points (or 90¢) back on every $10 purchase. Remember, this is just a bonus on top of any other points or Register Rewards you are entitled to receive. So be sure to scan that coupon in the ad so you can get all the points you are eligible to receive.
Lastly, be sure to check any Catalina offers that may have printed for you at checkout. Many of you have received offers for additional points when you make certain purchases. Happy Shopping!

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