Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Sour Patch/Swedish Fish Coupon for $1 Candies This Week!

by Christie- on May 15, 2014

sour patchThe 8 oz bags of Sour Patch and Swedish Fish are on sale this week 2/$3, plus a new coupon just popped up for these,  Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Packages of SOUR PATCH Kids or SWEDISH FISH Candy (6.35 oz. or larger, any variety). If you are planning on visiting the store by Saturday, you can pick these up for $1 per bag. If you’re not planning on a trip, grab the coupon anyway. These frequently go on sale, and my coupon printed with an expiration date of 8/15!

Walgreens Deals (thru 5/17)
Buy (1) Sour Patch, 8 oz, 2/$3 Sale Price
Buy (1) Swedish Fish, 8 oz, 2/$3 Sale Price
(1) Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Packages of SOUR PATCH Kids or SWEDISH FISH Candy (6.35 oz. or larger, any variety)
Total = Just $1 per bag!

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