Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Gillette Coupon = Deals On Shave Cream!

by Christie Bisbee on August 14, 2013

Gillette DealsWoo Hoo! There was a high value coupon in this weekend’s Redplum insert: $6/3 Gillette Cartridges, Razors, Shave Prep or Skin (excludes Gillette Bodywash, Deodorant, Hair Care Products).

Please note that this coupon does not exclude trial and travel sizes. The Gillette Series 7 oz Shave Gels are on sale through 8/31 at buy one get one 50% off. There were two other coupons similarly worded for $1/1 and $3/2, so you have several options when buying these. Here are a couple of ideas:

Walgreens Deals (thru 8/31)
Buy (2) Gillette Series Shave Gel, 7 oz, $2.99 BOGO 50%
Buy (1) Gillette Series Shave Gel, 2.5 oz, $1.79 Reg. Price
(1) $6/3 Gillette Cartridge, Razor, Shave Prep, or Skin Product, exp. 9/30/13 (RP 08/11/13)
Total .27¢ or = .09¢ each!

Buy (4) Gillette Series Shave Gel, 2.5 oz, $1.79 Reg. Price
(1) $6/3 Gillette Cartridge, Razor, Shave Prep, or Skin Product, exp. 9/30/13 (RP 08/11/13)
(1) $1/1 Gillette Cartridge, Razor, Shave Prep, or Skin Product, exp. 9/30/13 (RP 08/11/13)
Total =.16¢ or = .04¢ each!

Buy (2) Gillette Fusion Hydra Gel, 2.5 oz, $2.29 Reg. Price
Buy (1) Gillette Series Shave Gel, 2.5 oz, $1.79 Reg. Price
(1) $6/3 Gillette Cartridge, Razor, Shave Prep, or Skin Product, exp. 9/30/13 (RP 08/11/13)
Total =.37¢ or = .12¢ each!

Buy (6) Gillette Series Shave Gel, 7 oz, $2.99 BOGO 50%
(2) $6/3 Gillette Cartridge, Razor, Shave Prep, or Skin Product, exp. 9/30/13 (RP 08/11/13)
Total $1.44 or = .24¢ each!

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Anne August 14, 2013 at 12:32 pm

As an FYI, this coupon also works on the women’s Gillette shave preps. Not sure if they are on sale at Walgreens or not but they are around 1.99 each regular price at the big box stores. I noticed the women’s shave preps were hardly touched while the men’s were all gone. I got quite the score! Happy me!


sharell August 15, 2013 at 12:59 pm

My store doesn’t carry the women’s Gillette and the men’s was a little higher. They were $3.19 instead of $2.99 so I did this.

(6) of the 2.5 oz. at $1.79 ea. and (2) full size 7oz. $3.19 + $1.60 = $15.53
I used: (2) $6/3 mc and (1) $3/2 mc for a total of $0.53/8 = $0.07 each! I plan to use the small ones for Christmas baskets.


Andrew August 17, 2013 at 12:15 am

I know these are “free” at Walmart, but I’d rather pay 4 cents than deal with cashiers and managers who insist I’m not using the coupon correctly. Thanks for posting this deal!

@Anne: Thanks for the heads up! I will definitely look out for the women’s shave preps at my store 🙂


Elizabeth August 19, 2013 at 4:00 pm

I just tried following this deal, made my way to WAGS and realized these are $3.59 ea BOGO 1/2 off. with 6, I ended up spending just over $5


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