I spotted a new Walgreens coupon booklet for Cold & Flu! This one comes with really long expiration date or 11/1/16, so if you spot one be sure and grab it and hold it. These are all Walgreens coupons, so we’ll be have some stacks in the future
- 50¢/1 Well at Walgreens Cough Drops 150 or 200pk (2438)
- 50¢/1 Well at Walgreens Wal-Born Vitamin C Chewable Tablets 32ct (2439)
- $1/1 Well at Walgreens Cough 12Hr Cough Relief 3oz (2440)
- $1/1 Well at Walgreens Mucus relief Daytime/Nighttime 30ct (2441)
- 50¢/1 Well at Walgreens Cold & Flu 24ct (2442)
- $1/1 Well at Walgreens Cold & Flu Daytime/Nighttime 2pk 12oz ea (2443)
- $1/1 Robitussin 4oz or 20ct (5760)
- 50¢/1 Vicks Dayquil Sever Cold & Flu Relief 12ct (5761)
- $1/1 Alka Seltzer Plus 6-36ct (5762)
- 50¢/1 Well at Walgreens Eucalyptus Oil .5oz (2444)
- $1/1 Well at Walgreens Personal Stream Inhaler (2446)
- $5/1 Comfort Scanner Temporal Thermometer (5763)
- 50¢/1 Well at Walgreens Zinc Lozenges 18ct (2445)
- $2/1 Well at Walgreens Neti Pot (2447)
- $1/1 Neilmed NasaFlo 50 packets · Nasamist 6oz or Sinus Rinse Kit (5764)
- $1.50/1 Breathe Right Nasal Strips 26 or 30 pk (5765)
- $2/1 Well at Walgreens Nasal Strips 26ct (2449)
- 50¢/1 Well at Walgreens Lip Balm .25oz (2450)
- $2/1 Abreva Cold Sore Treatment, .07oz (5766)

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