Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Walgreens May Coupon Book + Match Ups

by Christie- on April 23, 2015

May Coupon Book 2015Here are the coupons in the new Walgreens May Coupon book that starts 4/26. You’ll be able to grab one of these books in the store Sunday and the coupons are good thru 5/30.  I normally find these books up by the front register, with the weekly ads or at the cosmetics counter in my store.

You can always access the Monthly Books and the corresponding match-ups and 4 digit codes by going to  the top Walgreens Coupon Page in my top toolbar.

We should see some nice deals when you stack these Walgreens coupons with a manufacturer’s coupon! Here are the Walgreens coupons you’ll find inside & the match ups. Even though this is the May Coupon Book, it will start on April 26.

Just click below to see all the Walgreens coupons + match ups!



{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Alli April 25, 2015 at 10:22 pm

Thought I had a great deal with the Garnier Shampoo coupon stack BUT after chasing all over town…I’m in Portland, OR… for a Sunday paper the Red Plum circular in my 5/26 paper does not have any Garnier coupons–dang it So it must be regional.


Christie Hardcastle April 25, 2015 at 10:51 pm

I didn’t get it either – Fingers Crossed for a printable tomorrow am. Trust me I’ll be watching like a hawk so if it shows up I’ll let you guys know first thing in the am!


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