Be on the lookout for the newest Answers at Walgreens: Diabetes Care booklet with coupons inside. This one may be arriving in stores soon if you don’t see it. All coupons expire 10/1/15, and are Walgreens Coupons! So you’ll be able to stack manufacturer coupons with these…
- $1/1 Gold Bond Diabetic Foot Cream, 3.4 oz (5808)
- $5/1 Microlet Colored Lancets, 100 pk (5817)
- $3/1 Neuragen Pain Relief Cream, 4 oz or PN Topical Solution, .5 oz (5813)
- $5/1 Accu-Chek Nano Blood Glucose Monitoring System (5814)
- $10/1 OneTouch VerioIQ Blood Glucose Monitoring System (5816)
- $3/1 MagniLife Diabetic Neuropathy Foot Cream, 4oz (5809)
- $1/1 Level Life Protein Bars or Shakes, 4pk (5818)

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