Be on the lookout for the newest Answers at Walgreens: Eye & Ear Care booklet with coupons inside. This one may be arriving in stores soon if you don’t see it. All coupons expire 10/1/15, and are Walgreens Coupons! So you’ll be able to stack manufacturer coupons with these…
- 50¢/1 Walgreens Ear Ache Drops, .33 oz (2407)
- $1.50/1 Clear Canal Ear Wax Removal Complete Kit (5981)
- $2/1 Verticalm 24 ct (5982)
- $1/2 Walgreens Earplugs, 1-50 pair (2355)
- $1/1 Bausch+Lomb Thera Pearl Eye Mask (5983)
- $1/1 Visine Eye Drops, .5 oz (5993)
- $1/1 Walgreens Eye Itch Relief, .17 oz (2398)
- 50¢/1 Walgeens Redness Relief, .5 oz (2397)
- $1/1 Zaditor Eye Itch Relief, .17 oz (5984)
- $1/1 Similasan Eye or Earache Relief , .33 oz (5992)
- $1/1 Walgreens Multipurpose Solution or Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaning & Disinfecting Lens Care System, 12oz or 2pk, 12oz, ea (2356)
- $1/1 GenTeal Severe Dry Eye Relief Gel, 2 pk .34 oz ea (5986)
- $1/1 Systane Balance Lubricant Eye Drops, 2 pk, .33 oz ea. (5987)
- $1/1 Opti-Free Pure Moist Multipurpose Disinfecting Solution, 2 pk 10 oz ea (5988)
- $1/2 Walgreens Lupbricant Eye Drops or Artificial Tears, .33 or .5 oz (2358)
- $1/1 Biotrue Multipurpose Solution, 10 oz or 2 pk, 10 oz ea (5990)
- $1/1 Clear Care Cleaning & Disinfecting Solution, 2 pk, 12 oz ea (5991)
- $1/1 Bausch+Lomb Soothe Lubricant Eye Drops, .5 oz or 28 pk, .02 oz ea (5994)
- $1/1 Bausch+Lomb PeroxiClear 3% Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaning & Disinfecting Solution, 3 oz, 12 oz., or 2 pk, 12 oz ea (5989)

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