This awesome HERSHEY’S GOLD bag coupon has returned! You can use it right now. Hershey’s Gold 10 oz bags are on sale for $3.99 each or 2/$6. Plus, there’s a Walgreens Coupon in the January book to save an additional $1 on two bags. Put all this together to pick up each bag for 48¢. Sweet!
Walgreens Deals (Thru 1/19)
Buy (2) Hershey’s Gold 10oz, $3.99 each or 2/$6 Sale Price
$1/2 Hershey’s Minis, Pouch or Canister Candy 6-10.5oz (5504), Walgreens, January
(2) $2.00 on ONE (1) HERSHEY’S GOLD bag 10oz – 16.45oz
Total = $1, Get back 50 Everyday Points
= 48¢ each!

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