Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Cap’n Crunch Cereal Coupon= 49¢ Boxes!

by Christie- on February 5, 2018

cap'n crunch dealWoo hoo! A new Cap’n Crunch cereal coupon has popped up. There is no size restriction on this one; it’s good on any two boxes. It prints with an expiration date of 3/7. The 5.5 oz boxes are regularly $1 at Walgreens. Keep in mind not all stores carry these. I found the regular Cap’n Crunch and the limited edition Touchdown Box. You’ll pick up each box for 49¢ after Everyday points.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 3/7 – when the coupon expires)
Buy (2) Cap’n Crunch Cereal 5.5oz, $1 Reg. Price
(1) $1.00 OFF when you buy TWO (2) boxes of Cap’n Crunch cereal
Total = $1, Get back 20 Everyday Points
= 49¢ each!

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