Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Betty Crocker Coupon = $1.08 Each Cake Mix or Frosting!

by Christie- on November 1, 2017

betty crocker cakeWoo hoo! A new Betty Crocker™ Baking Mix OR Frosting coupon has popped up today. It’s been a while since we’ve seen cake coupons, so I’m really excited.  Next week the Betty Crocker frosting, cake mix and brownies mix will be on sale for 3/$4 with in ad coupon. Because it’s a coupon, you won’t have to buy three items. If you buy two your first one will be $1.34 and your second will be $1.33 once the in-ad coupon is scanned.

Walgreens Deals (Starting 11/5)
Buy (2) Betty Crocker Frosting, Cake Mix 15.25oz or Brownies Mix 18.3oz, 3/$4 w/ In-Ad Q
In-Ad Coupon for Betty Crocker (1306, p. 2)
(1) SAVE $0.50 when you buy TWO PACKAGES any flavor/variety Betty Crocker™ Baking Mix OR Frosting 
Total = $2.17, Get back 20 Everyday Points
= $1.08 each

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