Print this rare Gold Medal Flour coupon right now. You’ll be able to use it starting tomorrow at Walgreens. The 5lb bag of Gold Medal Flour will be just $1.89 with the in ad coupon. So after the stack and Everyday points, you’ll grab it for just $1.63. It’s time to bake or maybe try your hand at home-made flour tortillas
Walgreens Deals (Starting 4/9)
Buy (1) Gold Medal Flour 5lbs, $1.89 w/ In-Ad Q
In-Ad Coupon for Gold Medal Flour/Domino (1003), p.2
(1) 25¢/1 BAG any variety 5 LB. OR LARGER Gold Medal Flour
Total =$1.64, Get back 10 Everyday Points
= $1.63

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