Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Progresso Soup Coupon – 99¢ Now or 91¢ Next Week!

by Christie- on November 1, 2016

progresso-dealA new coupon has popped up for Progresso products. You’ll save $1 on any three products (excluding pasta bowls). It prints with an expiration date of 12/1/16 but you can use it right now.

This week Progresso Soups are on sale for $1.49 each or 3 for $4. After coupon and Everyday Points, you’ll pay just 99¢ per can.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 11/5)
Buy (3) Progresso Soup 18.5oz or 19oz $1.49 ea or 3/$4 Sale Price
SAVE $1.00 on any THREE Progresso® Products (excludes Progresso® Pasta Bowls)
Total = $3, Get Back 40  Everyday Points
= 99¢ each

Next week, Progresso Soups will be on sale for $1.49 each or 4/$5. After you add four to your transaction, each subsequent item will be $1.25 each. So the best deal next week will be to buy six.

Walgreens Deals (Starting 11/6)
Buy (6) Progresso Soup 18.5oz or 19oz $1.49 ea or 4/$5 Sale Price
(2) SAVE $1.00 on any THREE Progresso® Products (excludes Progresso® Pasta Bowls)
Total = $5.50, Get Back 70 Everyday Points
= 91¢ each

Savings Tip: There is a new SavingStar offer to Save $1.00 when you buy THREE (3) any Progresso™ products (excludes Progresso™ Pasta Bowls)  good thru 11/30.

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