Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Walgreens Beauty Club 20x Points Coupon

by Christie Bisbee on October 9, 2016

Beauty Club Clip to CardIf you signed up for the Walgreens Beauty Enthusiast club be sure to check your e-mail for a special points offer. You should have a link for a clip to card coupon good for 20x EveryDay Points on your first Beauty purchase. The coupon is one time use, and will automatically be applied to your next beauty purchase. Remember, this includes oral care, hair care, shave care and many other items that you may think of as personal care. Since the coupon will apply on your next purchase of these items, you may want to hold off clipping the coupon until right before you want to use it. Mine had a 12/31/16 expiration so plenty of time!

The new Walgreens Beauty Enthusiast club is a great new opportunity to earn additional points on select purchases at Walgreens. Once you sign up for the new Walgreens Beauty Enthusiast club you’ll earn 5,000 points (thats a $5 reward) for every $50 spent on most beauty purchases. It’s like saving an additional 10% on all your beauty buys. These points are in addition to any other points you earn including special offers and EveryDay points. Plus, as a member of the Walgreens Beauty Enthusiast club you’ll also get exclusive promotions and samples. Just go HERE to learn more and sign up.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Tina Alvarado October 9, 2016 at 10:01 pm

Do you know how long it takes for the link to show up on your email I signed up and then xheeacked my email but nothing was sent


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