Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Walgreens Beauty Enthusiast Club

by Christie Bisbee on September 27, 2016


I’m excited to tell you about a new opportunity to earn additional points on select purchases at Walgreens! Starting Sunday 10/2 Walgreens is launching a new Walgreens Beauty Club. Once you sign up for the new Walgreens Beauty Enthusiast club you’ll earn 5,000 points (thats a $5 reward) for every $50 spent on most beauty purchases. It’s like saving an additional 10% on all your beauty buys. These points are in addition to any other points you earn like special offers or EveryDay points.

Plus, as a member of the Walgreens Beauty Enthusiast club you’ll also get exclusive promotions and samples and they are advertising a digital coupon via email for 20x Everyday Points when you sign up. My guess is we’ll see that coupon after 10/2, so be on the lookout.

As a Beauty Enthusiast, you’ll enjoy:

  • 5,000 points (thats a $5 reward!) for every $50 spent on beauty
  • Digital coupon via Email for 20x Everyday Points when you sign up
  • Exclusive promotions and samples
  • Personalized beauty profile and product picks
  • Pro-tips and tutorials from the experts

walgreens-beauty-enthusiast-clubThere are quite a few categories that fall under beauty for the purposes of this program including cosmetics, skin care, hair care, oral care, fragrances, hand lotion, razors, deodorants and grooming products. It really is quite generous including quite a few personal care categories and products for both men and women.

You don’t have to make your purchase in one trip, you’ll accumulate points and you’ll be able to keep track of where you are right on your receipt! This is an excellent opportunity to earn quite a few additional points. Although the program launches 10/2, you can sign up now and start earning the extra points right away. The points are being earned (similarly to EveryDay points) before any manufacturer’s coupons (including Register Rewards) are used, which is awesome for coupon shoppers. I’m looking forward to hearing about your experiences with this new program! Just go HERE to learn more and sign up for the new Walgreens Beauty Enthusiast club.

(Thanks Rashelle!)

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Kathy September 28, 2016 at 10:09 am

I clicked on link to sign up but dont see anywhere to sign up.


Christie Bisbee September 28, 2016 at 10:23 am

Looks like they redirected the page until they kick it off on Sunday. I guess the didn’t realize if they put it up early we’d find it LOL. Come back on Sunday and it should be there. 🙂


Kathy September 28, 2016 at 1:39 pm

Ok thanks!


Penny Coker September 28, 2016 at 4:25 pm

thanks ive been looking for 15 minutes on how to sign up.


Christina September 28, 2016 at 1:56 pm

How exciting, thanks for sharing! You’re right, it does include a lot of categories. Yay, I love Walgreens!


Penny Coker September 28, 2016 at 4:24 pm

im trying to sign up for the beauty enthusiast club and everywhere ive looked at on the website there is no way of signing up. I was wondering if you could walk me through the process so that i can sign up for this what looks to be a great club. thanks


Brittany September 30, 2016 at 12:49 am

Hey, I work for Walgreens and the only way to sign up is in the store. The credit card pad will auto prompt for you to confirm your email if you would like to sign up. You need to make an in store purchase to be promted.


Christie Bisbee September 30, 2016 at 8:10 pm

I already signed up on-line. The page will be active on Sunday. It was active but then they redirected it – because I imagine they didn’t anticipate anyone finding it early. The webpage (that will be active Sunday) is advertised in the weekly ad for next week and the October book and again, the link I have will be active again Sunday.


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