Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Skippy Peanut Butter $1.43 Per Jar!

by Christie- on September 27, 2016

skippy-dealsSkippy Peanut Butter is on sale this week for $2.29 each or 2/$4. You can use this Skippy coupon to grab each jar for just $1.43 after Everyday points. Be sure to print two coupons so you can grab two jars in order for the price to drop down. I found Super Chunky and Creamy at my store. We go thru a ton of peanut butter around here so I’m always looking for a sale!

Walgreens Deals (Thru 10/1)
Buy (2) Skippy 16.3oz, $2.29 ea or 2/$4 Sale Price
(2) 55¢/1 Skippy product
Total = $2.90, Get Back 40 Everyday Points
= $1.43 each

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