Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Aveeno Moisturizing Lotion $1.84 (Reg. $7.49)

by Christie- on February 18, 2016

Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion $1.84 (Reg. $7.49)We can pick up a super deal on Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion right now at Walgreens. This week’s ad notes that Aveeno Skin Care is on sale B1G1 50% off; however, there is also a Balance Rewards Points offer for select products. You’ll earn $5 (5,000 Balance Reward Points) when you buy two participating Aveeno products.

The best deal is for the Daily Moisturizing Lotion, the 8 ounce tube. This one is $7.49 though your price may vary. After the sale, Aveeno coupons and points you’ll pay only $1.84 for this one which is 75% off the regular price.

Keep in mind not all Aveeno products are included in the points deal, so if you are interested in a different product, be sure to spot the points label.

Walgreens Deals (thru 2/20)
Buy (2) Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion 8oz, $7.49 B1G1 50% off
(1) $2/2 Aveeno Products ets, bars & 2.5oz lotion
Total = $9.23, Get $5 (5,000 Balance Reward Points) wyb 2 + 550 (5x Everyday Points)
= $1.84 each!

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