Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Almay Shadow Softies Only 25¢ at Walgreens

by Christie Bisbee on August 11, 2015

Almay SoftiesThis week at Walgreens select Almay products are $1 off. Plus, many of you will have a high value $4 Almay coupon available that will make the Almay Shadow Softies as low as 25¢ each! Talk about a stock up price. 🙂

Walgreens Deals (Thru 8/15)
Almay Shadow Softies $4.29 each
$4/1 Almay Cosmetic Product, exp. 8/23/15 (SS 8/9/15 R)
Total = 29¢, Get Back 40 Everyday Points
= 25¢ Each!

If you don’t have the high value regional $4 coupon, there is also a printable Almay coupon available. You can use it to get these for $2.25 each which is close to 60% off.

Almay Shadow Softies $4.29 each
$2/1 Almay cosmetic product (68130)
Total = $2.29, Get Back 40 Everyday Points
= $2.25 Each!

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