Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Xtra Laundry Detergent Coupon = $1 Each

by Christie Bisbee on May 10, 2015

Xtra Laundry Detergent CouponWe have a new XTRA Laundry Detergent coupon available to print today. The 30 load size is on sale this week at Walgreens for just 2/$3, making them only $1 each after the coupon.

Although you may prefer a different laundry detergent for your clothes, bedding, etc. – there may be items where you can use a different detergent. I’ll often use less expensive detergent to wash dish cloths, cleaning towels and other items.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 5/16)
Buy (2) Xtra Liquid Laundry Detergent 30 loads 2/$3
$1.00 on ONE (1) 144oz or larger XTRA or TWO (2) 75oz or smaller XTRA, XTRA Nice ‘n Fluffy Softeners, or XTRA Sure Shot Paks (68130)
= Just $1 Each

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Marsha May 10, 2015 at 11:55 am

Not sure where to ask this, but I have points coupons they sent in the mail. (Spend $30, get 6,000 points, buy nature made,get 2,000 points, plus others.) Can they be earned along with points booster coupon? Never have gotten these coupons before.


Carrie May 11, 2015 at 6:40 pm

If I recall correctly, the spend $30, get 6000 will not likely work in the same trans as a booster (its one or the other), but the nature made one will. The system recognizes the first as a spend $xx get xxpts type coupon, just like the booster. But the nature made pts coupon is treated differently, so there shouldn’t be a conflict.


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