Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Save Over 75% on Roc Skincare at Walgreens

by Christie- on May 7, 2015

B1G1 RoC Packages - Save Over 75%!If you use Roc products, there’s an awesome deal this week at Walgreens. Be on the look out for specially marked packages of Roc Retinol Correction Deep Wrinkle Daily Moisturizer with Sunscreen AND specially marked packages of Roc Deep Wrinkle Night Cream 1.01oz. Both are coming with a FREE Full Size Roc Smooth Perfexion Instant Line Corrector! So each package is like B1G1 free right off the bat!

Roc products are B1G1 50% off this week. We have a Roc manufacture’s coupons we can use – plus we have a Walgreens coupon we can stack for $5 off each Roc product in the May coupon book. Keep in mind the manufacture’s coupon limits you to one, so I’ve written the scenario that way. All of this put together and you can get each FULL sized Roc product for only $5.62 each (Reg. over $20 per product!). That’s OVER 75% off the regular price.

Walgreens Deals (thru 5/9)
Buy (1) Roc Retinol Correction Deep Wrinkle Daily Moisturizer  Sunscreen 1oz packaged with Perfexion Instant Line Corrector 1oz, $22.99 B1G1 50% off
Buy (1) Roc Deep Wrinkle Night Cream 1.01oz packaged with Perfexion Instant Line Corrector 1oz, $22.99 B1G1 50% off
(1) $2/1 RoC Product
$5/1 RoC Skin Care, exp. 5/30/15 (Walgreens, May) [-$10]
= $22.48 or like paying $5.62 for each full size product!

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