Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Juicy Fruit Starburst Gum 42¢ Per 15pc Pack!

by Christie- on May 4, 2015

Juicy Fruit Starburst dealGreat News! I found the Juicy Fruit Starburst Gum included in this week’s sale at Walgreens. We still have this Juicy Fruit Starburst Gum coupon available to print. This coupon reset late last week, so if you printed it when it first became available, you can print it again now – two more prints per computer.

The three packs are on sale for $2.49 each or 2 for $4. Be sure and grab two coupons. You have to buy two in order to get the price to drop down. You’ll end up getting each package of (3) for $1.25 each, which is like getting each 15 piece pack for just 42¢ each. I never seem to have enough gum – so I’m always happy to see a deal.

Walgreens Deals (thru 5/9)
Buy (2) Juicy Fruit Starburst Gum, 3pk, 2/$4 Sale Price
(2) $0.75 on (1) Juicy Fruit Starburst Gum 3-pk (68130)
Total  = $2.50
= $1.25 per 3 pack or 42¢ per pack!

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