Do you use Bayer Aspirin? We have a great sale on Bayer this week at Walgreens. If you need the low dose products, both regular or chewable you can get those for only 24¢ each box. You can also grab the regular 325mg Bayer for only 69¢ a box. I always like to keep a bottle of Aspirin at home and in the car so I’m always happy to see a deal.
Bayer products are on sale B1G1 50% off, plus we have a Manufacture’s coupon and a Walgreens coupon we can stack on these to get that super low price. The Walgreens coupon can be found in the Answers at Walgreens: Pain Management Coupon Booklet, which is found in the store. Check the pain management isle or ask about it at the pharmacy. You can see what you are looking for HERE.
Walgreens Deals (thru 5/2)
Buy (2) Bayer Low Dose Chewable, 36ct or Enteric Coated, 32ct, $2.99 B1G1 50% off
(2) $1/1 Bayer Aspirin Product, exp. 4/30/15 (SS 03/29/15 #2 R)
OR $1/1 Bayer Aspirin Product, exp. 6/20/15 (RP 04/26/15)
(1) $1/1 Bayer Aspirin 24-300ct (5378), exp. 10/1/15 Answers at Walgreens: Pain Management [-$2]
Total = 48¢ or 24¢ EACH
Buy (2) Bayer Aspirin 325mg, 24ct, $3.59 B1G1 50% off
(2) $1/1 Bayer Aspirin Product, exp. 4/30/15 (SS 03/29/15 #2 R)
OR $1/1 Bayer Aspirin Product, exp. 6/20/15 (RP 04/26/15)
(1) $1/1 Bayer Aspirin 24-300ct (5378), exp. 10/1/15 Answers at Walgreens: Pain Management [-$2]
Total = $1.38 or 69¢ EACH

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