Walgreens Coupons & Deals

DulcoGas Coupon Stack = Just 99¢ (Reg. $5.99)

by Christie- on April 7, 2015

Duclogas Coupon Stack!There’s a nice stack on Dulcogas this month. There’s a new $2 Walgreens Coupon good on this product in the April Book, plus a $3 printable DulcoGas coupon that you can stack.

These are regularly priced at $5.99. Put both of these coupons together and it’s a savings of 83% off the regular  price. You’ll have thru 4/25 to grab this deal, but be sure and print the coupon now in case it disappears.

Walgreens Deals (thru 4/25)
Buy (1) Dulcogas, 18ct, $5.99 Reg.  Price
(1) $3.00 On (1) DulcoGas 18 count or larger (68130)
$2/1 Dulcolax Laxative Tablets, Stool Softener 25ct · Suppositories 4pk · Dulcoease Stool Softener 25ct · Dulcogas (5201), Walgreens April Coupon Book
Total = Just 99¢!

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