Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Kleenex Just 46¢ Per Box!

by Christie- on August 17, 2014

KLEENEX_Panorama3I received this notice for a new Kleenex Register Reward Deal catalina at Walgreees! This deal is scheduled to work between 8-11 & 9-7:

  • Buy 6 boxes and receive $1 RR
  • Buy 7 boxes and receive $1.50 RR
  • Buy 8 boxes or more and receive $2 RR

kleenex cat_Panorama3The great part is that I tried the 6pk bundle which is on sale thru 8/30 for $4.99 and it printed a $1 RR. It is 6 boxes, so you get the RR for buying 6 boxes! There is a 50¢ off one bundle insert coupon that you can use. Plus, We also have an ibotta offer for  75¢ on Kleenex Bundle Multi-pack of (3) 48 count or larger. I tried this and received my $1 RR and my 75¢ Ibotta deposit, which means you’ll get each box for 46¢.

Kleenex Just 46¢ Per Box!Walgreens Deals (thru 8/30)
Buy (1) Kleenex Bundle, 6pk, $4.99 Sale Price
(1) $0.50 off Kleenex (3) Boxes or (1) Bundle Pack, exp. 9/13/14 (SS 08/10/14 R)
Total = $4.49, Get Back $1 RR + 75¢ Ibotta Deposit
= $2.74 or 46¢ per box!

If you are not a current Ibotta user. This is a great time to sign up. They have new user $2 bonus. This offer is available to new users only and all you have to do is sign up for the FREE Ibotta App and redeem your first offer within the first 10 days of registration, then you’ll get your $2 bonus.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Chris August 18, 2014 at 5:13 pm

No Catalina back when I did this in ft worth tx):


Christie Hardcastle August 18, 2014 at 10:15 pm

Contact Catalina so they can mail it to you. 🙂


Elizarae August 18, 2014 at 7:49 pm

Christie — do you know if the upright multipacks are included in this deal?


Christie Hardcastle August 18, 2014 at 10:15 pm

Didn’t try those. But if you bought (2) they’d be 8 – so hopefully they’d work to prompt a catalina.


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