Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Excedrin Coupons + Points Deal

by Christie Bisbee on June 25, 2014

excedrin couponsIf you use Excedrin products, we have a nice deal this week at Walgreens. You’ll get $5 (5,000 Balance Rewards Points) wyb $15+. The 24 count are included and they are priced at $5.99, plus we have a nice high value $2.00 on any one (1) Excedrin product coupon you can use on these.

You can get them for just $2.65 each after coupon and points. Plus be on the lookout for 25% More Free boxes for an even better deal. The Excedrin Migraine works really well for me!

Walgreens Deals (thru 6/28)
Buy (3) Excedrin 24 ct (look for 25% more free) $5.99
Total = $17.97
(3) $2.00 on any one (1) Excedrin product
Total = $12.97, Get Back $5 (5,000 Balance Rewards Points)
= $2.65 Each

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