Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Glade Coupons Reset = Free at Walgreens!

by Christie Bisbee on March 10, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-03-03 at 10.11.27 AMA bunch of Glade coupons, including the Glade PlugIns Scented Oil warmer or starter kit coupon reset! That means more FREE glade Warmers at Walgreens. These Free Glade Warmers can really come in handy for your $25 scenarios for the extra $5 (5,000) in Balance Rewards Points when you spend $25 offer. If you are a few dollars short of hitting $25 you can add this one to your transaction. These will be free thru 3/29 with the printable coupon, check it out.

Walgreens Deals (thru 3/29)
Buy (3) Glade PlugIns Scented Oil Warmer 3/$3
(3) $1/1 Glade PlugIns Scented Oil warmer or starter kit

$1.00 on any Glade PlugIns Scented Oil triple refill, twin refill or two single refills (68130)
$1.00 on any Glade Automatic Spray refill (68130)
$1.00 on any TWO Glade Wax Melts (excludes warmer) (68130)
$1.00 on any TWO Glade Jar Candles (68130)
$1.00 on any TWO Glade Spring Collection products (68130)
$1.00 on any Glade PlugIns Scented Oil warmer or starter kit (68130)
55¢ on any Glade Premium Room Spray (9.7 oz.) (68130)
$1.00 on any Glade Sense & Spray product (68130)

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