Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Hershey’s Bliss Stacked Coupon Deal!

by Christie- on February 17, 2014

Hershey's Bliss 7wHere’s another chance this month to get a really good deal on Hershey’s Bliss! We have an IVC for these in the February Coupon Book, and we have a printable coupon, SAVE $1.00 when you buy any 2 bags of HERSHEY’S BLISS® Chocolates 8 oz. or larger (excludes Bonus size bags). This printable just reset last week, so if you printed it earlier in the  month for the previous sale, you’ll be able to grab it again! With this stack, you’ll get each bag for $2 which is a great price for Hershey’s Bliss!

Walgreens Deals (thru 2/22)
Buy (2) Hershey’s Bliss, 2/$6 Sale Price
$1/2 Hershey’s Bliss, 8.6 or 9.6 oz or Simple Pleasures, 5.6 oz (5205) Walgreens February Book
(1) $1.00 off any 2 bags of HERSHEY’S BLISS® Chocolates 8 oz. or larger (exc Bonus size)
Total = Just $2 each

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