Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Surprise Double Register Rewards for Windex!

by Christie- on January 8, 2014

Windex catsWoo Hoo! Windex Trigger Bottles are producing (2) Register Rewards. That’s on top of the points deal this week!

These  are 2/$6, plus get back $1 (1,000 Balance Reward Points). Plus we have a new printable coupon for these, SAVE $1.00 Windex® on any TWO Windex® Products. Then add to that (2) $1.50 Register Rewards from two separate national catalina offers going on right now:

  • Buy 2 Windex and get $1.50 Register Reward
  • Buy 1+ SC Johnson Product and get $1.50 Off Your Next Order Catalina (which is basically just a funny looking Register Reward ;))

The Windex prints both. So you’ll pay just 50¢ per bottle after coupons, points and two $1.50 Register Rewards! SWEET. Grab your coupons and stock up.

Walgreens Deals (thru 1/11)
Buy (1) Windex Original Glass Cleaner, 26 oz, 2/$6 Sale Price
Buy (1) Windex Multi-Surface Cleaner, 26 oz, 2/$6 Sale Price
(1) SAVE $1.00 Windex® on any TWO Windex® Products
Total = $5, Get Back $1 (1,000 Balance Reward Points), (2) $1.50 Register Rewards
= 50¢ EACH!

{ 13 comments… read them below or add one }

Sccoutt January 8, 2014 at 2:29 pm

Hi Wild for Wags community,
I just wanted to ask if any of you have encountered stores who are refusing to take Internet printed coupons. I’ve confirmed with two Walgreens stores in Honolulu that they will no longer be accepting printed manufacturers coupons. (Prior to this I’ve used them many times at those stores.) Any suggestions on how I might move forward with a complaint about this? Email to the regional manager?
Thank you!


Tiffany January 10, 2014 at 3:05 pm

Check the coupon policy. Also inform them that there are ways of verify IPs


Nichole January 11, 2014 at 3:57 pm

just call walgreens corporate and report them.


richard January 8, 2014 at 4:31 pm

Catalina printed nothing in new haven connecticut


denise January 8, 2014 at 7:24 pm

can you buy two original or two multi surface items for it to work or do you have to buy one of each?


Christie January 8, 2014 at 9:51 pm

It’s working on the multi-surface, and the original. You should be able to mix and match. 🙂


Sylvia January 9, 2014 at 12:44 am

I shop at a Walgreens in Connecticut that stopped taking internet printed coupons probably 6 months ago because they had issues with people using copies of coupons that cashiers manually entered, so that store that you referred to probably stopped taking them for a good reason and Corporate might be on their side. Good Luck!


michelle January 9, 2014 at 10:29 am

Didn’t get either catalina yesterday.Where can I get info about this promotion so I can call about it?


Heather January 9, 2014 at 8:04 pm

Is everyone still getting the rewards.. I did it yesterday n got the rewards but missed my points since I used points…lol so was gonna get more tomorrow if its still working


Heidi Bissonnette January 9, 2014 at 11:39 pm

I did this deal earlier this morning, about 10:30 a.m. and everything printed fine for me. Not quite sure what’s going on but there have been other people saying that some RR are not printing in their area. Gonna try this again tomorrow and see if maybe they pulled something. Wouldn’t surprise me with Walgreens considering I tried to do the Contour meter deal earlier this week and when I went to get the coupon out of the Diabetes book every single coupon for the meter had been ripped out of every single book they had at 2 different stores! Walgreens is getting shadier every trip I make!


Tiffany January 10, 2014 at 3:04 pm

Maybe it wasn’t the store it was a person… And maybe the deal is regional… Or sometimes cat machines are off out of paper etc.


denise January 10, 2014 at 6:28 pm

I bought one original windex and one multisurface windex and had no problems. I live in Calif.


amy January 10, 2014 at 9:31 pm

I live in TX and bought one original and one multisurface and had no problems either.


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